Anatomy of a Sectional Sofa


Sofa – Sectional sofas typically have a "three over three" design, which is made up of three back cushions over three seat cushions. Sometimes they are "two over two" designs two larger seat cushions and 2 larger back cushions. They are generally available with two arms (like a standalone sofa), no arms, or one arm in a LAF (left arm facing) or RAF (right arm facing) configuration.

Loveseat – Sectional loveseats are designed with two seats. They may be standard loveseats or console loveseats, this means that they have two armrests per seat and can have a console with cupholders. Loveseats also come in two arm, LAF, RAF or even armless configurations.

Recliner – A reclining seat that can be placed next to a sofa or loveseat to make it longer. Recliners can have two arms, LAF, RAF or armless configurations.

Charles Corner Sofa

Chair – A non-reclining single seat. It is usually available in the same configurations as the recliner.

Round Corner Wedge – This is a corner piece that allows a sectional sofa to fit in a corner. Most wedges create a 90 degree angle but some create wider angles. Corner wedges are usually armless.

Square Corner – This is a square corner piece that allows a sectional sofa to fit in a corner. This piece has a hard 90 degree angle to it and takes up less space in a room than a curved corner wedge. These pieces will be armless.

In addition to the above shapes, some recliners may also offer the following specialized pieces:

Console Armrest – This is a single armrest that fits between two seats other seats . It may have added features like a hidden storage space or cupholders and Led lighting.

Sofa Bed – Also called a sleeper sofa, this is a sofa with a fold out bed. The bed is typically queen or double sized. Sofa beds come in two, one or no arm configurations.

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