Deciding on a focal point will really help with sce planning-a TV, fireplace, chandelier, artwork, et cetera. Once that is determined, the furniture arrangements can fall into place around it. If the living room involves a television, note that the viewing distance for a standard TV is between 8 to 12 feet maximum, and the viewing angle is no more than 30 degrees. So the main sofa, couch or sectional should be placed facing that wall. Additional armchairs and chaises can flank either side of the television wall as well, rounding out the seating area while adding visual balance.
To perfect this arrangement, consider incorporating custom furniture-a pair of unique upholstered armchairs makes a bold statement. For living rooms with a fireplace, most people consider conversation the most important goal. So a semi-circular furniture configuration around the hearth, with no more than 8 feet in between seats, promotes easy interaction with family and friends. For living rooms with neither a hearth or a television, a central focal point makes the most sense. Float a sofa (or two, facing each other) around a coffee table, with chairs placed around the circle to close any gaps.