Dimensions-An important Things Need To Be Considered Before Purchasing A Leather Bed


Although this may seem obvious you would be very surprised how many people buy a leather bed and then take it home and realise that it doesn't fit. They then have to take the bed back or arrange a collection and have to go through the hassle of looking for another bed. Please always double check the dimensions stated by the seller against the space in your room. Better for you is to se arch on the Internet in order to check out how you can position your bed in multiple ways in different rooms.


A common misconception is that if you buy a 5ft bed then the width of the bed is 5ft. This is not true. 5ft means the mattress width; it does not take into consideration the external width of the bed frame. Typically the mattress width of a 5ft bed is 150cm, the external width of a 5ft leather bed is approx 160cm, so there is a 10cm difference. This is because of the width of the side panels.
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